12 Definite Signs She Doesn’t Love You Anymore (& What to Do About It)

she doesn't love you anymore

So you’re probably here because you’re in a dead-end relationship and your girl just doesn’t love you anymore. You keep dreaming of these days back when your girl was more passionate, happy, and eager to please. But, for some reason, she’s no longer that person; and you’re not sure why. Have you done something wrong? … Read more

7 Attractive Bad Boy Traits Every High-Value Man Must Possess

bad boy traits

It’s no secret that bad boy traits are always in high demand.  Women want bad boys and their babies. Men secretly want to be just like them.  But I’m not talking about those self-destructive bad boys who are in and out of jail all the time, even though they are sought after as well. I’m … Read more

6 Telltale Signs She’s Playing Hard to Get

Women love playing hard to get. They enjoy being on pedestals. They get a kick out of being chased after. And it should be no surprise considering the fact that women’s most valuable currency is attention. That’s why they play hard to get. In fact, women cannot be happy for long without male attention; be … Read more

7 Not-So-Obvious Signs You Are Just Her Beta Orbiter

Every man has been a Beta Orbiter for some woman out there, whether he likes to admit it or not. Maybe it was when we were in high school trying to be with the cutest blonde girl in class. But it didn’t work out for us even though we tried our best. And by trying … Read more

What You Need to Do When She Says “It’s Not You, It’s Me”

it's not you, it's me

“Brendan, I want to talk to you about something. Can you come here for a minute?” asks Julia sheepishly. “What is it dear?” Brendan responds with a look of concern on his face. “I’ve been thinking a lot about us lately, and I… I don’t think this is working out.” “Wha-what? Why would you say … Read more

What Is a Shit Test & How Do You Deal with One?

shit test

Let’s pretend you are a beautiful woman. This is indeed a strange way to start the conversation, but to fully understand what shit tests really are, we’re going to dive into that “complex” female psyche by pretending you’re an absolutely gorgeous 24-year-old young woman. So whenever you, being the 10 that you are, decide to … Read more

9 Behaviors That Put You in the Friend Zone

There are so many behaviors that can put you in the friend zone when you’re interacting with women.  Some of these behaviors have been popularized by our unrealistic romantic outlook on relationships and others have been encouraged by modern society with the intention of ironing out the differences between both genders. Usually, the biggest problem … Read more

7 Subtle Signs She’s Interested In You

signs she's interested in you

It’s funny how we’ve been technically dating women for millions of years yet still don’t understand how they express themselves and their interest in relationships. What we seem to struggle with is realizing the differences in the way men and women see and approach intergender dynamics. Today we’re sometimes told that we act and think … Read more